
Provides to_ltx to convert numpy arrays to LaTeX.

numpyarray_to_latex.main.to_ltx(a, fmt='{:6.4f}', latexarraytype='array', imstring='i', is_row_vector=True, mathform=True, brackets='()', mark_elements=[], mark_color='pink', separate_columns=[], separate_rows=[])[source]

Return a LaTeX array given a numpy array.

  • a (numpy.ndarray) --

  • fmt (str, default = '{:6.2f}') -- python 3 formatter, optional-

  • latexarraytype (str, default = 'array') --

    Any of


    if "array", you can specifiy the brackets with the keyword brackets.

  • imstring (str, default = 'i') -- Character to use to represent the imaginary unit. Usually 'i' or 'j'

  • is_row_vector (bool, default = True) -- If the array is 1D, should the output be a row (True) or column (False) vector?

  • mathform (bool, default = True) -- wether to convert strings like 1e+05 to 1\times10^{5}.

  • brackets (iterable, default = '()') -- which brackets to use to wrap the matrix (must be two elements long). Use brackets = None if you don't want any brackets around the array.

  • mark_elements (list, default = []) -- list of tuples containing element indices that should be marked with a colorbox.

  • mark_color (str, default = 'pink') -- The color with which to mark matrix elements.

  • separate_columns (list, default = []) -- list of column indices after which a vertical line should be drawn

  • separate_rows (list, default = []) -- list of row indices after which a horizontal line should be drawn


out -- Formatted LaTeX string

Return type



>>> from numpyarray_to_latex import to_ltx
>>> tex = to_ltx([[2.,2.],[2.,2.]])
>>> print(tex)
    2.00 &    2.00\\
    2.00 &    2.00