Source code for numpyarray_to_latex.utils

Provide helper functions.

import numpy as np

[docs]def math_form(number, is_imaginary=False, mathform=True): r""" Convert a float number formatted in scientific notation to the corrsponding LateX format (e.g. ``2\times10^{2}``). """ if mathform: if 'e' in number: significand, exponent = number.split('e') if exponent.startswith('+'): exponent = exponent.lstrip('+') exponent = exponent.lstrip('0') elif exponent.startswith('-'): exponent = exponent.lstrip('-') exponent = exponent.lstrip('0') exponent = '-' + exponent if exponent != '': number = significand + '\\times 10^{'+ exponent + '}' else: number = significand return number