Source code for numpyarray_to_latex.main

Provides `to_ltx` to convert numpy arrays to LaTeX.

import numpy as np

from numpyarray_to_latex.utils import (

[docs]def to_ltx(a, fmt='{:6.4f}', latexarraytype='array', imstring='i', is_row_vector=True, mathform=True, brackets='()', mark_elements=[], mark_color='pink', separate_columns=[], separate_rows=[], ): r""" Return a LaTeX array given a numpy array. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray fmt : str, default = '{:6.2f}' python 3 formatter, optional- latexarraytype : str, default = 'array' Any of .. code:: python "array" "pmatrix" "bmatrix" "vmatrix" "Vmatrix" "Bmatrix" if "array", you can specifiy the brackets with the keyword ``brackets``. imstring : str, default = 'i' Character to use to represent the imaginary unit. Usually ``'i'`` or ``'j'`` is_row_vector : bool, default = True If the array is 1D, should the output be a row (True) or column (False) vector? mathform : bool, default = True whether to convert strings like ``1e+05`` to ``1\times10^{5}``. brackets : iterable, default = '()' which brackets to use to wrap the matrix (must be two elements long). Use ``brackets = None`` if you don't want any brackets around the array. mark_elements : list, default = [] list of tuples containing element indices that should be marked with a colorbox. mark_color : str, default = 'pink' The color with which to mark matrix elements. separate_columns : list, default = [] list of column indices before which a vertical line should be drawn separate_rows : list, default = [] list of row indices before which a horizontal line should be drawn Returns ------- out: str Formatted LaTeX string Examples -------- >>> from numpyarray_to_latex import to_ltx >>> tex = to_ltx([[2.,2.],[2.,2.]]) >>> print(tex) \left( \begin{array}{} 2.00 & 2.00\\ 2.00 & 2.00 \end{array} \right) """ a = np.array(a) if len(a.shape) > 2: raise NotImplementedError('Arrays having more than two dimensions cannot be converted.') if mark_elements is None: mark_elements = [] if a.ndim == 2 and len(mark_elements)>0 and not all([hasattr(mark,'__len__') for mark in mark_elements]): raise ValueError("If the array is 2D, ``mark_elements`` should be 2D as well, but isn't") if len(a.shape) == 1: if len(mark_elements)>0 and hasattr(mark_elements[0],'__len__'): raise ValueError("If the array is 1D, ``mark_elements`` should be 1D as well, but isn't.") a = np.array([a]) if is_row_vector is False: a = a.T mark_elements = [ (mark,0) for mark in mark_elements] else: mark_elements = [ (0,mark) for mark in mark_elements] if isinstance(mark_elements, np.ndarray): mark_elements = mark_elements.tolist() mark_elements = [ tuple(row) for row in mark_elements ] nrow, ncol = a.shape out = '' if brackets is not None and latexarraytype not in [ "bmatrix", "pmatrix", "vmatrix", "Bmatrix", "Vmatrix", ]: out = r'\left' + brackets[0] + '\n' if len(separate_columns) > 0: if latexarraytype != 'array': raise ValueError('column separators can only be used for `latexarraytype = "array"`') colstr = '{' for i in range(ncol): if i in separate_columns and i > 0: colstr += '|' colstr += 'c' colstr += '}' else: colstr = '{}' out += r'\begin{' + latexarraytype + '}' +colstr+'\n' for i in np.arange(nrow): if i in separate_rows and i > 0: out += ' \\hline\n' out = out + ' ' for j in np.arange(ncol): this_element = '' if np.real(a[i, j]) < 0: leadstr = '' else: leadstr = ' ' if '.' not in fmt.format(a[i, j]): dot_space = ' ' else: dot_space = '' if np.iscomplexobj(a[i, j]): real = math_form(fmt.format(np.real(a[i, j])), mathform=mathform) real = real.lstrip(' ') imag = math_form(fmt.format(np.imag(a[i, j])), is_imaginary=True, mathform=mathform) imag = imag.lstrip(' ') if not (imag.startswith('-') or imag.startswith('+')): number = real + '+' + imag else: number = real + imag this_element = ( this_element + leadstr + number + imstring + dot_space ) else: this_element = ( this_element + leadstr + math_form(fmt.format(np.real(a[i, j])), mathform=mathform) + dot_space ) if (i,j) in mark_elements: this_element = r'\colorbox{'+ mark_color +'}{$'+ this_element+'$} ' if j < ncol-1: this_element += r' & ' out += this_element if i < nrow-1: out = out + '\\\\\n' out = out + '\n' + r'\end{' + latexarraytype + '}' if brackets is not None and latexarraytype not in [ "bmatrix", "pmatrix", "vmatrix", "Bmatrix", "Vmatrix", ]: out += '\n\\right' + brackets[1] return out